
Went to the doctor's again to get the result of my blood test...I'm in good health...so basically he told me I was tired cause I didn't sleep o_O And I didn't get any more shots today (yay!) but he says I have to go back in October to get a flu shot :( Then I went to that Chiu Chow restaurant and bought 1/4 duck..and ate it w/ egg bread from the bakery ^^ ...mm..sooo ...gooood. Then I went to work :( but it was only 4.5 hrs..so that was ok...not so bad today...i think...tho i made two obvious mistakes...grrr...
Got home realtivly early..10:20...cause I was closing w/ my manager...MAN...she really really moves fast when she's motivated (she wanted to go home ASAP) ...I didn't even have to clean anything...AND the new cashier was going so slow she switched places w/ her and went on cash herself....I've NEVER seen her go on cash before o_O

Hehehe...and remember donna, you have Negative 15 minutes
..if I find out that u didn't sleep when u were supposed to...*shakes fist* ;D buahahahhaHAHAHAHAhahaha
and yes, Yvonne, I read your blog o_O


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