Not much to blog about today, except studying for econ...i HATE it...i HATE it... o_O econimics is sooooo hard, and don't laugh at me those of you who AREN'T taking it in university or are of the engineering/science-y type... I laughed too... "come on, econ...soooo easy in highschool" DON'T BE FOOLED...damnit...econ...grrrrr.... On a happier note...I ate sushi today! What could be better then salmon wrapped in more salmon ;) It was soooo goooooood. Salmon sushi then wrapped w/ smoked salmon..mmm...I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it -_-* ...
Oh, and my mommy's (and daddy) coming to visit to me tomorrow...YAY!!! happy :) I miss them so much, haven't seen them in about a month...not sure if I can say the same about my sisters though...j/k ;) but they're bring FOOD w/ them...FOOD I say...what more could I ask for :D
Oh and visist David's new website..... I'll add a link to it later, I'm just too tired and lazy right now :P
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