I know, I know...its been a REALLY long time...but I guess studying for exams isn't a good excuse right? cause technically speaking I haven't been locked away in my room since the middle of september ;) Not much is happening...though I might be addicted to anime again and comic books too!! ...that hasn't happened in a while...which is cool as long as it doesn't get in the way of school...(ewww...I never thought I'd say that) Speaking of school again...I'm done with 3 of my 5 exams (Macro Economics, Financial Accounting and Law) and have two more to go o_O...Ancient Greek Civ. and STATS :(!!!...I'm done on the 13th...so I'll be back in TO around the 15th...I'm looking forward to some good old chilling if anyone's interested... :D
More tomorrow...but I gotta go..I think my food is burning...hehehe...

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