
Oh geez, my eyes are burning :(
So I woke up early today (hey, 9 is early for me) and went to pick up Donna and we headed to Empress walk to meet Iola for breakfast @ Dunn's. It was...ok, well for the price we paid anyways :D Went to Iola's new apartment after...sweeeeet, its pretty convenient and all that. Then headed to YorkMills station to meet Yvonne @ 12:15...but I actually arrived late.. (12:30) I stepped outta the subway..and didn't see her, so I thought that she was late too, and that I was off the hook..BUT at that moment, she came down the escalator and apparently she got there at exactly 12:15 o_O damn...and of course she rubs it in :) good 'ol Yvonne :P
Went to China town after, and had those curry fish/beef balls...mmmmm...but on our way to Eaton Centre (which is not really that anymore cause there is no Eaton's, its Sears now) on the Street Car, a man holding a LCBO bag (which leads to some suspicions) gets on the streetcar...and proceeds to goto the back. Yup, he didn't pay...so the TTC guy is like 'excuse me sir, please either pay or get off' but the man continues to sit at the back...and the woman in front of Yvonne and I asks if we have change for a ten so she can pay for the crazy/drunk man's fare, except we both say no. So the TTC guy radios for help and finally the weird man gets off the streetcar...only to stand right in front of it in the middle of the street... -_-* ...and he wouldn't move...until some nice pedestrian on the street led him by the arm back to the sidewalk o_O
Anyways..went to Eaton Centre and practically walked into every single shoe store there..cause yvonne decided that outta 1000 + shoes, none of them suited her.. :P


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