Ack, my shoulders hurt, doesn't help that my matress is stiff and unspringy. I keep waking up before 8am everyday cause of construction o_O *sigh* Oh well. Our frosh went to bingeman's amusement park today and the lines were kinda long. It felt like I waited forever in line for the GO carts :( but they were FUN!!!! ...altho Ada's cart ran outta gas on the last lap... still...that was fun...Although I hope real driving isn't like that -_-* The line for the trip back on the bus was HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE too but it went faster than the line up for going there. Nothing much else happened, got all the OSAP stuff fixed, went there at 9:00 in the morning, the line wasn't too bad cause everyone was going to Add/Drop course regristration at the athletic complex...(I didn't have to o_O) that line was pretty damn curved and zig zagged around and around... I also got my ONE card yesterday..the student ID thing...The picture of me is not pleasing to say the least, and I have to use it for 5 yrs :( BUT I did try it out today, to see if it works...bought some tortellini w/ meatballs and garlic bread @ pasta pasta today (a part of pizza pizza)...mmmmm
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