
You know what's demented? I went out to dinner w/ my family yesterday and this woman walks around every table (at the chinese restaurant) holding a little boy's hand. At first, I thought it was his mother and she was showing off her son, but it turns out that she was staff at the restaurant...and get this!...someone LEFT THEIR CHILD at the restaurant and she was going around to see if she could find his parents/family. Thats so wrong :(
Went to the beach today...so fun!!!! thanks donna for inviting us (Yvonne too) Lotsa polluted water and such, and got my pants wet...and sand on my pants/on-in shirt/face/eyes...thanks to someone (who shall remain nameless :P) Went to St Louis to eat wings..and OMG i ate tooo much (soooo sorry o_O) It'll never happen again..eww -_-* *sigh*
mmm...deep cold...gooooooooood


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