School work is started to pile up and up and up and up and up and up... (I think you get the point) Maybe I'm a little frustrated??
Haven't blogged for a while, could it be all the quizes and such I've been having...HM? I wonder :D Had two Calc quizzes, computing pop programming quiz (not enjoyable at ALL) and a huge ass ECON test worth 20% of my mark :( Lets hope all goes well :D Anways, nothing much has been really happening, we started playing baseball card 'gotcha' which is a game within our residence and each person gets a baseball card that they have to wear on them at all times and a soneone else's name. When you see the person whose name you have w/out their baseball card on, you have to say 'gotcha' so that you get their card and their 'target' ... so far I haven't been caught but I DO look like an idiot w/ a baseball card stuck to my pants EVERYDAY o_O
EWWWW...and the most DISGUSTING thing happened to me today...I think I'm scarred for life...let's just say it involved me, in calculus, a guy in front of me w/ too loose pants, not very much underwear and about 2-3 inches of butt crack o_O *shudder* and he didn't notice either!!!! I would of moved but no other seats were availabe :(
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