
Let's see how long I can make this blog w/ the 10 minutes I have till algebra class starts...
btw...I can't e-mail a certain someone *cough*david*cough* because ur engmail keeps sendinf it back to me so its not MY fault :P
Since I haven't done this fro a couple of days...I wonder why (CLASS...ewwww) Here's sort of a breakdown of days o_O

First day of classes, so I thought no biggie. HAHAHAhahaha, I walked into physics class and BOOM! "You're having a 6 pagtest"...true/false/uncertain. Every wrong answer cancels a right one :( and it was like MAD PHYSICS...geosyncronis orbit, pressure, simple harmonic motion, had to know TONS of constants (distance from earth to moon/radius of earth, etc) :*( Lets not forget to mention that there were sections on calc AND algeo :( So that was pretty bad, then had Calc...had to walk from one end of campus to the other...and was late so i got stuck at the back...My calc teacher speaks sooo softly...ppl infront of me are GIANT MEN...so I can't see either. Basically my teacher is ALSO chinese (mandarin i think) and english doesn't really agree w/ her :( so the odd time i CAN hear her, i don't understand her. -_-* Computing was ok, the dude is also chinese but his accent is not as strong and he uses a mic! so thats cool. Business was awesome... mainly cause I had it after lunch, so I wasn't preoccupied w/ my stomach rumbling :P And I had a physics lab, and had to pick my lab partner but I didn't know her name until after the end of class...saaaaaaaaaaaaad. plus: I'm up to my ears in calc homework!!!!!

Had algebra...but do I understand the teacher...no...he speaks perfect english but the concepts are...not so great to say the least. COmputing lab, copied a program from the book...which was cool :) I don't like C tho...we're using the non graphics side...reminds me of gr.10 turing...the black screen!! Calc Lab...of geez, we had a diagnostic test...haha..and it counts for 5% of my lab mark -_-* oh well.

well..nothing much...he taught calc in physics, I guess every did BAD on the calc section of that test. Still can't understand my calc teacher. I did have a 3hr shot of economics tho...UH OH... the teacher os from UofT...and has a little accent, and is pretty funny (in his jokes) BUT i cannot read is writing if my life depended on it. Its like reading arabic...which is alien to me..if you get my comparison. *sigh* I almostfell asleep too..

Hm...I think I'll be heading to algebra now... :(


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