
Tennis anyone?

I just realised that I SUCK at tennis. Sure, I used to take lessons, but apparently I've forgotten everything I've learned. I played this morning with David, and as I predicted I couldn't last more than 15 minutes without turning all red and having breathing problems :( What's worse is that everytime the ball would come towards me I would have badminton reactions, that is react to the ball as how I would react to a birdy coming towards me...except that the racket is much heavier and requires more power...so I think I hurt my wrist... AND I kept hitting balls over the extremely high metal fence but couldn't even hit balls towards my cousin... ahahahaha... and when I did hit the ball to him one would be extreme right and the other extreme left since I had no control in aiming, atleast he got some great exercise from running to the extreme left and right of the court :)


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