The Science Building Courtyard where I spent alot of time in 1st year and during ICE in third year. Yes, those are real trees inside the building, and yes.. the leaves do fall... Its quite annoying, really.

The Schlegal Centre Atrium where I have spent countless hours throughout my university life in group meetings.
A testament to the school's ghettoness... should be the Frank C. Peters building, where I've had the majority of classes. It LOOKS nice, but don't let that entranceway deceive you, the rest of the building looks quite old and abused. Especially the tierred-seatting in a square panel styled classrooms.

The letters WLU tacked on the side of the building. I have never noticed it until now. That's so random, its like someone decided that people passing by would need a reminder that this is indeed Wilfrid Laurier University :S

The entrace to the business buildings.
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