So it's official.... I'm working at Longo's again o_O. I guess that's a good thing, right? RIGHT? I don't know...but's still a job ;) and as I've said before, tuition doesn't pay for itself...that doesn't mean that I've stopped looking for work though, maybe I'll be able to find a second part time job...hopefully *crosses fingers*
Work starts June 18th , I think...more or less around there... Vegetable I come! o_O.. but I didn't forget them * #155 = LITTLE romaine ;)
Still doing that Distance Ed. thing...why does it feel like I keep falling well...if anyone wants to 'visit' me...I'll be at CENTRAL o_O all day long...most of the time anyways...June is here...and probably going to pass'll be done by the end of June!!! YEA :D ...Guess I'll have to wait until then to finish playing Breath of Fire IV *sigh*... for the greater good, I guess...
Speaking of studying...gotta go...Econ calls...
oh yea... Good Luck to all those who have to write their Distance Ed. Micro Econ Midterms on Wednesday :P