
And so it begins...

Ok, so its winter time, and the snow is falling... I am back in Toronto...and already I know my days will be filled with snow shovelling. Why? because I get this guilty feeling everytime I see my neighbor who is a 75 year old lady, shovel her loooooooooong driveway and the two old ladies down the street who have a long, sloped and wide driveway. I'm a sucker :( Not to mention my own driveway, which I don't think I can escape from since I don't want my mom to shovel it either. Why did our drive ways have to be so long? I already shovelled one yesterday...cause I figure, if I have to do it anyways, might as well...otherwise it will just be more work later. Tho i was kinda annoyed when I had to move a tire for my neighbors... You see, they LOVE Helen, and it really, really shows...so when I was helping her move stuff, she was like "aww, thanks helen!" I don't think it would bug me that much, except she will probably think that Helen did it for her, even when it was MY manual labor. Seriously..I don't mind helping little old ladies out, but if she's just gonna think I'm a lazy bum that doesn't help cause she mistook me for my sister...that's just irritating ...enough of my ranting -_-*


Not the brightest bulb in the box...

After exams are over, I think I need to drench myself in anime or something, I'm getting dumber and dumber as time progresses and when I'm not studying or doing assignments, I just was around with a zombie look on my face. But I don't even get it...Its not like I have that many exams to study for... I don't know :S

I even got right and left on a magazine ad confused...
Steph: "You must think I'm the dumbest person right now"
Roberta: "Well, I don't think that you're the smartest..."

Haven't posted pics in a while...so here

Dorothy, Eugene and I @ all you can eat japanese buffet

Wilfred, Roberta, Edgar and I on the day we were going to take grad photos


Motivation = 0

its final exam time...yet i lack motivation... I had my marketing strategy exam yesterday, and seriously...what the hell was that? the prof told us to bring a calculator for comfort...but during the exam i didn't see anything that would require a calculator. Today, i realized that there were stupid numbers in the little scenarios, but usually these don't matter...but I think our prof is anal enough to expect us to do something with them.... I hope not :S

I have my CP102 final tomorrow, but i'm just not motivated to study... no motivation what so ever... :

Man, this cracks me up..

"what kinda person have i turned to if i have to lie about egg tarts" - from the wise words of Roberta Chan



I'm on a roll...two posts in one day! ...
Ok, so the only thing bad about k-dramas is...that the girl is actively looking for a boyfriend...and really...makes it seem that if you don't have one by the time you're 30...its game over...
...so for some reason this is kinda depressing..even tho I'm not actively looking..its weird just to watch the main character...its kind of pathetic..

Steph says:i'm telling you..that math building is looking more and more appealing
Roberta says:LOL don't!
Roberta says:don't do that to yourself!
Roberta says:may as well place an ad in the matchmaking sites


Some people

...are inconsiderate bastards who blast their music, tv and conversation consistenly throughout the day and night. Seriously, although I live below them, I should be able to hear their music louder than my own with the words clearly understandable. And what's worse, the day before, I thought I was dreaming when I woke up at 5:45am to here greek sounding music blasting....because really, who listens to greek sounding music at 5:45 in the morning?!?! not their typical rap/alternative songs. But no, unfortunately I'm not delusional as it happened again last night. Except I was trying to fall asleep and the same music comes on...and what does the bastard do? he STOMPS to the beat... at 4:30am. This is EXAM time... sure, I haven't started studying for exams yet...but he doesn't know that... I was so pissed off, so I got up, and when upstairs...I'm sure I looked really pissed off.. and was like "Its 4:30am, I'm trying to sleep and I live under you" accompanied by a death glare. The guy said he'd talk to his 'buddy' about it... So I go back to my room, the music is maybe like 1/100 quieter than before..but now they're friggin talking... and really I don't want to know about some girl who was supposed to call him...or whatever. It made me so mad....

Now that I've got that I've ranted... I found out yesterday that they have dark chocolate twix in the US!!! I haven't seen it in Canada yet...but I've always wanted to havea twix in Dark Choco being the dark chocolate person that I am.. But now...the problem is getting twix from the states... Maybe I can persuade Helen or Stephen to get it for me when they come back.. but that's so lame, of all the things to ask someone from the States to bring back for me, I want chocolate bars... Can't wait :)

The new korean drama, My Name is Kim Sam Soon that Roberta and I started watching... we're really getting into it...it starting to get really interesting...and it is hilarious...sort of like a korean version of Bridget Jones Diary, though some of the humour is beyond me :S Though there is this part that is funny, the main guy is chased by two girls, one who loved him, but than left him for three years and came back because she went to the states since she got sick but she didn't tell him and the other who was not supposed to fall in love with him since she's older than him and complete opposites, but since she is the main actress and him the main actor, of course she ends up falling for him. At first, Roberta was kinda of rooting for the sickly girl to get back together with the main guy...but then that all took a turn when we saw her personality..and man, it was so funny..what she said

Roberta: I would wish that her character would die, but since there is a high probability of that happeneing, I can't even curse her!!!

For some reason, that made me laugh so much. Yesterday was such a night of laughter...especially when Ronson kept sending everyone voice clips. I mean, they were just normal voice clips of him talking...but for some reason they were hilarious... I don't know...but also a little creepy ... :P