
Oh...about the last post...what i meant to say was

anyways... EXAMS ARE DONE!!!! yay..finally... o_O
On a side note, I think I talked to the biggest bitch in the world today...she has DETHRONED my sister by 9 million times... :)
ahh..i just had to get that out of my system....


So, one more exam to go! Econ is DONE (for me & Yvonne) YAY!... no more econ for a little while...hopefully a year for me :) Had my physics exam today. Can't say it was too great but it was better than last time, that's for sure. Only computing left, which is on Tuesday...so I think I have a little time for a break...which is a big *sigh* of relief.

Baking some pilsbury cookies now...mmmmmmmmmm.... hope they aren't "burning"

Oh, and something a little "sweet" ;) ...pardon the pun
April 30, 2003 from 6:00 - 9:00 (or 10:00...I forgot) there's FREE SCOOP NIGHT
yes..you read right...free scoops :) Mmmmmmm....if you want to go w/ me, drop me a line :)


Not much to blog about today, except studying for econ...i HATE it...i HATE it... o_O econimics is sooooo hard, and don't laugh at me those of you who AREN'T taking it in university or are of the engineering/science-y type... I laughed too... "come on, econ...soooo easy in highschool" DON'T BE FOOLED...damnit...econ...grrrrr.... On a happier note...I ate sushi today! What could be better then salmon wrapped in more salmon ;) It was soooo goooooood. Salmon sushi then wrapped w/ smoked salmon..mmm...I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it -_-* ...
Oh, and my mommy's (and daddy) coming to visit to me tomorrow...YAY!!!...so happy :) I miss them so much, haven't seen them in about a month...not sure if I can say the same about my sisters though...j/k ;) but they're bring FOOD w/ them...FOOD I say...what more could I ask for :D

Oh and visist David's new website..... I'll add a link to it later, I'm just too tired and lazy right now :P


Ever really, really, REALLY want to have to use the washroom but right when you're about to go, your roomate tells you she has a stomach upset (of the not throwing up kind) and runs into the washroom before you?!?!? And then you can't go for 30 mins AND as a bonus, the smell travels to your desk because there are 23 hour quiet hours and the door has to be closed at all times so the smell can't ait out? Didn't think so. That stuff only happens to me o_O