
YES!!!!!!!!!!! i'm back!!!!! Finally got the internet up an running..although it is quite slow...but better than nothing!!! :D Not much happened this weekend..went home on Friday and hand an AWESOME dinner at a chinese restaurant (hey I've been deprived of eal chinese food for two weeks!!!!) ..and then went to swiss chalet Saturday morning w/ Yvonne. Mmm...sooo good. AndI helped my mom make homemade "lo bak go"...it was soooo good. Hahha...Dorothy and Yvonne also came over and had some. Funny thing is Yvonne said she didn't really like eating it...but my mom being traditionally chinese and all kept insisting that she try some (as well as my heckling in the background)...so she finally agreed and had this tiny bit. After she finished she asked for more (cause hey...its MY mom's cooking :)) and was like "This is sad...I'm not eating cause I'm hungry, I'm eating cause it good"...at this point I started laughing...after about five minutes of her eating and Dorothy finishing her protion and saying she was full...Yvonne was like "I can't finishe this...but I wnt to..but I'm soooo full" and the look on her face was priceless. So then Dorothy's like "i'll eat it!!!!" so then even gives her the dirtiest look...you know..slit eyes and all and holds the bowl closer to her protectively...Lol...it was sooooo funny...so my mom found this tiny container and packed it up for her and she was soooo excited for the rest of the nite :)

OH YEAH...and WHO forgot to drop stuff off to me today..and forgot her cell phone at home so I couldn't get in touch w/ her *cough*Yvonne*cough*


OMG...the two trains actually crashed in physics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought "NOBODY DIED IN PHYSICS" o_O Whats this world coming to?

On the side... I hope you feel better Iola!!!~~~ *hugz*


Uhm...I slept sorta slept through the fire alarm drill in our building yesterday, w/out even knowing about it, until my don pounds on the door telling us that the next time we don't leave the building we get fined o_O Hahahaha...I don't think thats a good thing tho... Aiya o_O


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Mmm...I'm sooooo hungry, I've been getting that feeling alot lately...maybe because its I'm to lazy to cook :P Anyways on Friday my cousin Stephen took me grocery shopping, which was good because I had non-frozen/non-instant food at home! All my food looked sooo junky compared to my cousin's "healthy selection", like chicken breats, lots of veggies, etc...but when I told my sister, she said it was probably just for 'show'...and that he didn't really eat that healthy..lol. So we went to Swiss Chalet after w/ some of his friends and they kept making jokes about how service was so slow and stuff cause we were asian o_O but it was so funny...when the waiter came over and asked us for our orders, Stephen's friend was like "double leg dinner and fries" and the waiter responded w/ a "what, sorry, rice?" and then tried to conver up his mistake w/ the fact that he had bad hearing -_-* But dinner was sooooooooooooooooo good, mainly because it was swiss chalet and plus I didn't eat for many days because of the stomach flu...
Went to Timeless on Saturday cause my friends were feeling nostalgic for chinese food because it was the Autumn festival. And I must say that it was TERRIBLE. We got there at 7:30p, had to wait a bit so we could order...we finally did, the dude asked if it was ok that we wait 15 mins for food because they were a little back logged ...yeah well, we ended up getting our food 1hr later and my friend alex had to wait even longer! Apparently, they cancelled his order and he got his food order processed when the rest of us started eating, so when we were done, he just started... They also screwed up our bill.. *sigh* So I probably won't be going there again.. -_-*.. Thats basically it for now... Classes were *grrr* today tho...


*sigh* WLUSA is on strike..that means no labs and stuff...which is good in the short run...but thinking beyond short-term slacking time...how will I make these labs up... :( Plus on Wednesday I was SICK..like throwing up sick and I had almost passed out in Caldulus but came back into consciousness when I heard a "ok, we done" (remember broken english in chinese accent speaking teacher) and "pop quiz" ...that woke me right up :( Luckily it wasn't too hard, just the derivative of e or something! Calc is getting better I think, although Algebra is really killing me, I don't know whats goining on and I have a quiz next week -_-* I *did* get a chance to watch the Friend's season finale yesterday because *gasp* I finished my calc hmwk early! It was sooo GOOD. and then I was bored, and Ada asked if I had cards and then I wanted to find people to play w/ us..but mahjong so I walked around the building w/ my other friend looking for 'feet' . It was so funny o_O ! Aiya..I really need to do some grocery shopping...


Holy crap...its only 10:45p and I'm already tired o_O ...Lets not mention my waking up before 8:00a issue...or sometimes 7:00a w/out the help of my alarm clock...classes don't even start till 9:30/10:00a! Lets not mention ny sudden 'urge' to wake up at 8:30a this morning :( *sigh*... Why can't I sleep in anymore!!!
I think too much calc homework is haunting me :(

So nice...
...found the link on Tee's page.


*sigh* I'm soooooo tired, got up yesterday morning at 6:00a to line up to register for Ada's business lab, because she has class at 8:30 and registration starts at 8:00 and we wanted to make sure that she would get the lab she wanted...So we got to campus about 7:00 and figured we were smart, you know probably nobody else would get up so friggin early but when we got there...HELL...there was this huge ass line that curved wup four flights of stairs and then looped around the looooong corridor..it was hell. Ada started waiting w/ me to keep me company..but eventually she had to go because of class, so I was waiting w/ a bunch of lab times that she wanted...she could only have one...but had to pick several incase all the labs were closed cause they were full. Then finally I get to the top...and these I see a group of table w/ Mon, Tues...etc labelled on each...and proceed to go there...except I see some other people heading to a special table for Honours Economics students only and the people going there had a different list of lab times...It took my sleeping brain a while to finally realise that Ada *IS* an H. Eco student and that she gave me the wrong lab list!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I just picked one that seemed to fit her schedule and was not on one of the days she didn't want *phew* I was so glad when she said it was an ok lab :D She apparently found out that in her business class that the earliest person to line up was there at 11:45 the previous night!!! how insane is that o_O

Since I had like 1hr and half to kill before I had algebra (my only class of the day..because my physics tutorial was cancelled) I went to the comp lab and Iola icq'ed me...she also had part of the day off!! So we met at Eastside Mario's for lunch and hung out together at my place after. Then Ada and I decided to show her around WLU and then she took us to WAT..I'm soooo glad that WLU is small...all that walking o_O @ wat is craaaaaaaaaazy... also went to see Mary and Sabrina after! that was cool too!! :)

Haha...then Ada and I went "home" and I kinda cooked dinner...chicken, spaghetti and mushroom sauce...I think I need a little practice o_O First, I should work w/ not being so grossed out w/ the chicken -_-* Ate sooooo much...overestimated on how much spaghetti to put in the pot o_O

And got up this morning...only to repeat the same wake up at 6:00a process to register for MY business lab...see, I had to do mine today cause I'm in Honours BBA o_O I also realised that I messed up my winter schedule and had TONS of conflicts but the telaris thing didn't tell me...usually it doesn't let you register for something when there's a conflict..but it didn't this time...so I ran around the campus trying to fix atleast part of my schedule...
I also forgot to eat breakfast this morning...so I was super hungry and my stomach kept making noises..and they weren't like soft noises..they were LOUD...and the prof speaks so softly...so when my stomach grumbled....all the ppl around me were like "what the hell was that" o_O and the girl sitting beside me figured out that the noises were coming from me! I was soooo embarassed... I also had to keep apologizing to my friend Schweta for my stomach noises..I felt soooooo bad!!!! And that happened all through physics, calc and computing :$
Haha...and now I'm home :)


Let's see how long I can make this blog w/ the 10 minutes I have till algebra class starts...
btw...I can't e-mail a certain someone *cough*david*cough* because ur engmail keeps sendinf it back to me so its not MY fault :P
Since I haven't done this fro a couple of days...I wonder why (CLASS...ewwww) Here's sort of a breakdown of days o_O

First day of classes, so I thought no biggie. HAHAHAhahaha, I walked into physics class and BOOM! "You're having a 6 pagtest"...true/false/uncertain. Every wrong answer cancels a right one :( and it was like MAD PHYSICS...geosyncronis orbit, pressure, simple harmonic motion, had to know TONS of constants (distance from earth to moon/radius of earth, etc) :*( Lets not forget to mention that there were sections on calc AND algeo :( So that was pretty bad, then had Calc...had to walk from one end of campus to the other...and was late so i got stuck at the back...My calc teacher speaks sooo softly...ppl infront of me are GIANT MEN...so I can't see either. Basically my teacher is ALSO chinese (mandarin i think) and english doesn't really agree w/ her :( so the odd time i CAN hear her, i don't understand her. -_-* Computing was ok, the dude is also chinese but his accent is not as strong and he uses a mic! so thats cool. Business was awesome... mainly cause I had it after lunch, so I wasn't preoccupied w/ my stomach rumbling :P And I had a physics lab, and had to pick my lab partner but I didn't know her name until after the end of class...saaaaaaaaaaaaad. plus: I'm up to my ears in calc homework!!!!!

Had algebra...but do I understand the teacher...no...he speaks perfect english but the concepts are...not so great to say the least. COmputing lab, copied a program from the book...which was cool :) I don't like C tho...we're using the non graphics side...reminds me of gr.10 turing...the black screen!! Calc Lab...of geez, we had a diagnostic test...haha..and it counts for 5% of my lab mark -_-* oh well.

well..nothing much...he taught calc in physics, I guess every did BAD on the calc section of that test. Still can't understand my calc teacher. I did have a 3hr shot of economics tho...UH OH... the teacher os from UofT...and has a little accent, and is pretty funny (in his jokes) BUT i cannot read is writing if my life depended on it. Its like reading arabic...which is alien to me..if you get my comparison. *sigh* I almostfell asleep too..

Hm...I think I'll be heading to algebra now... :(


Ack, my shoulders hurt, doesn't help that my matress is stiff and unspringy. I keep waking up before 8am everyday cause of construction o_O *sigh* Oh well. Our frosh went to bingeman's amusement park today and the lines were kinda long. It felt like I waited forever in line for the GO carts :( but they were FUN!!!! ...altho Ada's cart ran outta gas on the last lap... still...that was fun...Although I hope real driving isn't like that -_-* The line for the trip back on the bus was HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE too but it went faster than the line up for going there. Nothing much else happened, got all the OSAP stuff fixed, went there at 9:00 in the morning, the line wasn't too bad cause everyone was going to Add/Drop course regristration at the athletic complex...(I didn't have to o_O) that line was pretty damn long...it curved and zig zagged around and around... I also got my ONE card yesterday..the student ID thing...The picture of me is not pleasing to say the least, and I have to use it for 5 yrs :( BUT I did try it out today, to see if it works...bought some tortellini w/ meatballs and garlic bread @ pasta pasta today (a part of pizza pizza)...mmmmm


AIYA....my phone was totally messed up..so on my sheet, its says the last two digits of my phone # are supposed to be 96, and Ada's and the official # says 93...but GUESS what?!!?! its 91!!!! So I'm sorry to all the ppl who called and got some weird man :( If you want the right # just call my home and ask my dad/sis for it... :) Super cold today during the cheer off, but that doesn't matter cause GOLD!!!~~~~ team won it :) (can you guess which team I'm apart of?) Aiya..I think I might be sick too :( ...Runny nose, soar-ish coughy throat and dry eyes o_O


OMG...w/ every action there is an opposite one...PACKING...ewwww... o_O so I stayed up till 12:00a packing on sunday...but then I had to unpack it all when I got to res... -_-* Well...when I got to WLU...and did all that registration 'stuff' (which wasn't so bad) ...I went to my res to find out that it's Ada, me, a room, kitchen, living room and washroom...which is not bad at all :) Its pretty cool! Met alot of nice people...there's a guy down the hall who's last name is also chow o_O ...that's never happened before..There's some probs w/ my suite...like no lightball, window has no screen, i can hear PLAY BY PLAY the football games @ the stadium across the street, construction...other than that...its all good ...
Played some frosh games today...soo gross...they had this bowl w/ smarties in it...and the object was to pick them out w/out using ur hands...basically shoving your face in the bowl..that would be a fun and good except the bowl was also filled w/ flour...which meant that by the end I was spitting out dough -_-* ...and not to mention that everyone on your team hadto do it from the same bowl..and thats 25 ppl..haha...and there's about maybe 6-8 girls...
Hahahahahaha...I'lly try to blog somemore later :)